For whatever reason you may be frustrated with how your music sounds. A BIG reason could be you simply don't know how to get what's in your head out to the world, Knock will teach you how to Master Maschine enough to get those ideas out and heard. It's all about knowing your musical tool.

You will learn not just Knowledge of Maschine, but also Knowledge on going down different lanes in music. Maschine can create ANYTHING with the right navigator. From "Skits" on social media to "Beat Battles", KNOWLEDGE is KEY. At MW we want to help you to take the barriers away and CREATE

Imagine being able to turn on Maschine and just let yourself go, no boundaries at all, just YOU and YOUR creativity. Knock always stresses "knowing your equipment" and He will show you exactly how to break those "chains" that people always try to hold you back with and just create music that YOU Love.
ONE payment gets you access to ALL CURRENT and FUTURE Maschine World Content
$79.99 $47.99
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